美国WWILA国际景观与设计公司属于国际景观设计领域上领先的专业设计顾问公司。公司设计顾问团由Frank Lloyd(美国景观设计师协会国际成员ASLA)博士、William Allin、Walter Gropius 、Jeanneret-Gri s硕士等一批麻省理工大学、加洲大学、亚特兰大科技大学的景观设计在职教授组成。为响应中国西部大开发的号召,WWILA董事长YAWANG(美籍华人)女士于2005年在中国成都设立中国机构,该机构设计师来自于中国境内知名学院景观、建筑设计与规划专业,且均有多年的设计实践经验。机构专业从事土地景观规划、校园景观规划与设计、公园绿地景观规划与设计、城市景观设计、景观建筑设计及高档住宅景观的规划与设计。中国机构继承并发扬了WWILA一贯秉承的“设计,在土地上追求空间组合的最优化”的设计理念,并将“传承先进理念,弘扬东方文化,营造中国景观”作为WWILA中国机构追求的目标和事业的宗旨。机构文化:运营理念--国际化的视野、本土化的运营;核心价值--以客户为中心、为资者创造稳定最优的回报;团队精神--WWILA的每个成员都是独立的个体,但我们有着共同的事业和使命, 我们不分彼此、精诚合作、同舟共济、荣辱与共;敬业精神--敬业是优秀设计师的实践体现,优秀设计师是企业成功的基石,员工只有百分百投入到工作中去,才能百分百实现其人生价值;诚信原则--诚信做人、诚信做事;伙伴原则--我们成功必须依赖于我们合作企业的成功,双赢、多赢的战略伙伴是我们的合作理念!
American WW International Landscape Architecture & Design (WWILA) is the leading professional design consultants in the international landscape architecture and design area. The advisory group of this company consists of Professor Frank Lloyd,Member International of American Society of Landscape Architects, MasterWilliam Allin, Master Walter Gropius, Master JeanneretGris,all of whom are the in-service landscape architecture and design professors in Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Califolia, and Atlanta Technology University. In the response of West China development ,Wang Ya,board chairman of WWILA,who is also a Chinese-American, established its China Corporate in Chengdu, China in 2005 . Most of its designers graduated from the Architectural Design and Landscape Architecture specialties of those famous universities, such as Qinghua University, Southwest Technology University, Southwest Jiaotong University and Sichuan Agriculture University. And they all havemany years" designing experiences. Theorganization is professional in landscape planning,campus landscape designing, public open spacelandscape planning and designing, city landscapedesigning,landscape architecture and designingand high-class residence department landscapearchitecture and designing.Chinese office inherits and carries forward the design concept,"design should seek for best optimization of spatial arrayin landscape" which is also consistently grasped by WWILA. WWILA China holds "inherit advanced concept, develop eastern culture, and construct Chinese landscape" as it"s seeking goal andundertaking tenet. Corporate Culture:Concept ofoperation----International vision,local operation Core Values: Customer-focus---- Commitment spirit is the practical embodiment of an excellent designer.Excellent desigmers are the footstones of an successful enterprise.Only to work with their whole heart,can they realize their value of life.Sincerity and credit principle----Live and act in sincerityand credit Companionship ,principle----Our success relies on ourcooperatives" success.Our cooperation concept is win-win strategic partnership.