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20043现在                           研究员 中国科学院植物研究所

20017– 20042              研究员 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所

20011– 20016              Forest Biologist Pacific Forestry Centre

Canadian Forest Service, Victoria, Canada

20006月-200012              Post-doctoral fellow

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

University of Victoria, Canada

19939月-20005              Research assistant and graduate student

School of Earth and Ocean Sciences

University of Victoria, Canada

19888月-19938              研究实习员, 中国科学院兰州冰川冻土研究所

19849月-19887              本科生学习, 兰州大学生物系植物学专业


 1 加拿大西海岸黄衫(Pseudotsuga menziesii)的树木年轮气候学研究。 建立了一个两千年的树木年轮宽度序列, 和两个700年的浮动(约在过去的第三和第四个千年内)树木年轮宽度序列。 黄衫树的径向生长与四月至七月的降水量及前一年的生长状态有显著的正相关关系 极端干旱或湿润事件在过去两千年间均有发生, 但它们在最近两百多年间发生的频率有显著增加。发现了在距今四千年前, 树木年轮的生长在十年内由最宽变为最窄, 且持续缓慢生长达十年之久, 而后转为在平均值附近的小波动生长 这一树木年轮异常特征揭示出在气候转型时期,气候条件有可能出现既快又大的变化。 为分析古气候变化和生态过程演化提供了依据。

2.人工神经网络技术在树木年轮学“气候-年轮生长”响应函数建模中的应用。 提出了克服模型建立中“overfitting”难点的实用技术。 研究结果表明人工神经网络技术可以运用到树木年轮气候学之中, 其模拟非线性“气候-年轮生长”系统的能力优于传统的多元回归方法。 该模型可以用来分析多项气候因子与树木年轮生长的关系, 并且可以进一步预测给定气候条件下的树木年轮生长情况。

3.加拿大BC省中部林区虫害爆发的时空特征。 发现了虫害活动在时间上呈现32年左右的周期性规律, 每次出现持续6-12年, 可使树木的径向生长量损失16-21%。 1880-1999年间的四次虫害爆发在不同的空间尺度上呈缀块性发生, 尽管这些虫害爆发的起始时间, 强度及缀块大小在各林区不尽相同, 但它们在整个区域上呈现出空间的同步性。 提出了虫害活动除与气候条件相关外, 还与森林结构和树种生物学特性具有相关性。

4 多年冻土区植被对冻土环境及干扰的响应模式。 运用无趋势植物群落排序方法及植物种优势度计算方法对大兴安岭北部植被与冻土环境和森林火灾的关系进行了研究, 提出了多年冻土对该区兴安落叶松林的生长具有直接的高胁迫作用和间接的保护其生物竞争力的双重作用。

5 青海都兰古墓中祁连圆柏(Sabina przewalskii) 树干的树木年轮学研究。 结合已有的活树树木年轮, 建立了该地区公元前326年-公元2000年的树木年轮宽度年表。 该树木年轮年表为我们分析青藏高原柴达木盆地东南缘在过去两千多年的气候变化及生态演变提供了依据。




l      20041月-200612月: 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 黑河下游胡杨树的年轮气候学研究, 研究员, 课题负责人.

l      20031 – 200612月:参加一项中日合作项目: 黑河地区气候与环境演变规律的研究      负责其中树木年轮气候学的部分工作.

l      20031 – 200512: 参加一项国家自然科学基金面上项目: 阿尼玛卿山区祁连园柏的年轮气候学研究, 课题第二负责人.

l  200110月-20059月: 中科院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所创新项目: 西北寒旱区  祁连圆柏的树木年轮气候学研究, 研究员, 课题负责人.





1.      He, J.S., Zhang, Q.-B., and Bazzaz, F.A. 2005. Differential drought responses between samplings and adult trees in four co-occurring species of New England. Trees-Structure and Function (in press).

2.      Zhang, Q.-B., and Hebda, R. 2004. Radial growth patterns of Douglas-fir along an elevational gradient in central coast British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 34:1946-1954 .

3.      Zhang, Q.-B., Cheng, G., Yao, T., Kang, X., and Huang, J. 2003. A 2326-year tree-ring record of climate variability on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(14) doi:10.1029/2003GL017425.

4.      Zhang, Q.-B., and Alfaro, R. 2003. Spatial synchrony of the two-year cycle   budworm outbreaks in central British Columbia, Canada. Oikos, 102: 146-154 .

5.      Zhang, Q.-B., and Alfaro, R. 2002. Periodicity of two-year cycle budworm outbreaks in central British Columbia, a dendroecological analysis. Forest Science 48: 722-731.

6.      Zhang, Q.-B., Hebda, R., Zhang, Q.-J., and Alfaro, R. 2000. Modeling tree-ring growth responses to climatic variables using artificial neural networks. Forest Science, 46: 229-239.

7.      Zhang, Q.-B., Alfaro, R., and Hebda, R. 1999. Dendroecological studies of tree growth, climate and spruce beetle outreaks in sub-boreal forest of central British Columbia, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management, 121: 215-225.


1.        刘普幸,勾晓华,张齐兵,陈发虎, 2004. 国际树木年轮水文学研究进展. 《冰川冻土》26(6):720-728.

2.        高敏, 童伯良, 林经芳,张齐兵. 1994. 逐层剥离技术在多年冻土区沙金开采中的研究。 《冰川冻土》16(3): 232-237.

3.        张齐兵. 1994. 大兴安岭北部植被对高胁迫冻土环境及干扰的响应. 《冰川冻土》16(2): 97-103.

4.        顾钟炜,周幼吾,梁凤仙,梁林恒,张齐兵. 1993. 大兴安岭阿木尔地区的多年冻土特征及其变化. 《冰川冻土》15(1): 34-40.

5.        周幼吾,梁林恒,顾钟炜,梁凤仙,张齐兵. 1993. 大兴安岭北部森林火灾对冻土水热状况的影响. 《冰川冻土》15(1): 17-26.

6.         张齐兵. 1993. 林区火灾后植物群落与冻土环境的多元分析. 《植物生态学与地植物学学报》17(1): 48-55.


1.        Zhang, Q.-B. 2005. Tree-ring evidence of Asian monsoon-ENSO relationships over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Abstract Volume of the 101th annual meeting of American Association of Geographers. Denver, USA, April 5-9, 2005.

2.        Zhang, Q.-B. 2003. Dendrochronology in western China: progress and prospect. In : Proceedings of the international congress on Archaeology. Nara, Japan. Jan. 22-23, 2003. p. 79-84 (Invited speaker).

3.        Zhang, Q.-B., Huang, J.G., and Kang, X.C. 2002. Dendrochronological investigation of Sabina przewalskii in the northwest of China. The sixth international conference on dendrochronology, Quebec, Canada, Aug. 22-27, 2002. p. 389-390.

4.        Huang, J.G., Zhang, Q.-B., and Kang, X.C. 2002. A 680-year ring-width chronology of Sabina przewalskii in the Wulan area of northwestern China. The sixth international conference on dendrochronology, Quebec, Canada, Aug. 22-27, 2002. p. 151-152.

5.        Kang, X.C., Graumlich, L., Sheppard, P., and Zhang, Q.-B. 2002. A millennium-long tree-ring chronology of Sabina przewalskii in the Tianjun area of eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The sixth international conference on dendrochronology, Quebec, Canada, Aug. 22-27, 2002. p. 167-168.

6.        Alfaro, R. and Zhang, Q.-B. 2002. Spatiotemporal patterns of two-year cycle budworm outbreaks in the Prince George region. Robson Valley Enhanced Forest Management Pilot Project Information Session, McBride, BC, March 7-8, 2002.

7.        Zhang, Q.-B., Alfaro, R., and Shand, A. 2001. Spatial patterns of two-year cycle budworm outbreaks in central British Columbia, Canada. International Conference on Tree Rings and People, Davos, Switzerland, September 22-26, 2001.

8.        Alfaro, R., and Zhang, Q.-B. 2001. History of two-year cycle budworm outbreaks in central British Columbia, Canada. The North American Forest Insect Work Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, May 14 - 18, 2001.

9.        Zhang, Q.-B., Alfaro, R., Shand, A., and Taylor, S. 2001. Tree-ring record of two-year cycle budworm outbreaks in the past 120 years in the Robson Valley. Proceedings of the Robson Valley Enhanced Forest Management Pilot Project Information Session, McBride, BC, March 15-16, 2001. p. 43-46.

10.    Shand, A., Alfaro, R., Nealis, V., Zhang, Q.-B., and Taylor, S. 2001. Life cycle, defoliation and impacts of the two-year cycle budworm in the Robson Valley Forest District. Proceedings of the Robson Valley Enhanced Forest Management Pilot Project Information Session, McBride, BC, March 15-16, 2001. p. 35-41.

11.    Zhang, Q.-B., and Hebda, R. 2000. Patterns of intra-ring growth along an altitudinal gradient in mountains of central coast British Columbia, Canada. 中国青年学者山地科学与中国中西部开发学术研讨会,成都, 20001023-26. p. 20-26.

12.    Zhang, Q.-B., and Alfaro, R. 1999. Tree-ring evidence of two-year cycle budworm outbreaks in the past two centuries in central British Columbia. Entomological Society of British Columbia Annual General Meeting, St. John’s College, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, BC, Oct. 22, 1999.

13.    Hebda, R., Smith, D., Zhang, Q.-B., and Brown K. 1999. Full- to late-glacial deposits and environments at Langford Lake, south Vancouver Island, British Columbia. CANQUA-CGRC Meeting, Calgary, AB, Aug. 23-27, 1999.

14.    Zhang, Q.-B., and Alfaro, R. 1999. Periodicity of two-year cycle budworm in central British Columbia. International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Forest Defoliator Meeting, Victoria, BC, Canada, Aug. 15-19, 1999.

15.    Zhang, Q.-B., and Hebda, R. 1999. Modeling tree-ring climatic relationships using artificial neural networks. Proceedings of the 4th annual CEOS research workshop, Center for Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria. Victoria, Feb. 17. 1999 (abstract, p. 6).

16.    Laroque, C., Zhang, Q.-B., Smith, D., and Hebda, R. 1998. Reconstruction of Little Ice Age climates on Vancouver Island: an index to glaciological responses in the southern Canadian Cordillera. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Western Division, Vancouver, B.C., March 12-14, 1998.

17.    Zhang, Q.-B., Zhou, Y., Wang, J., Liang, L. and Gu, Z. 1993. Plant community ordination and its environmental interpretation following the disastrous fire in Amuer area, Daxinganling prefecture, Northeast China. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Permafrost, Beijing, China, July 5-9, 1993. p. 778-782.

18.    Zhou, Y., Liang, L., Gu, Z., Liang, F. and Zhang, Q.-B. 1993. Effects of forest fire on the hydro-thermal regime of frozen ground, the northern part of Da Hinggan Ling, China. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Permafrost, Beijing, China, July 5-9, 1993.  p. 819-824.

19.    Gu, Z., Zhou, Y., Liang, F., Liang, L. and Zhang, Q.-B. 1993. Permafrost features and their changes in Amuer area, Daxinganling prefecture, northeastern China. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Permafrost, Beijing, China, July 5-9, 1993.  p. 204-209.


1.        Zhang, Q.-B. 2001. Tree-ring data, Heal Lake Floating (Cana163-167). International Tree-Ring Data Bank. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2001-002. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder, CO, USA. URL: ftp://ftp.ngdc.noaa.gov/paleo/treering/updates/


1.        Zhang, Q.-B. 2004. Tree-ring record of climate variablity in the last two millennia on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan, Feb. 10, 2004.

2.        张齐兵. 2001. 瑞士国际树木年轮学大会简介及我国青海祁连圆柏的树木年轮学考察。兰州大学地球与环境学院,2001121日。

3.        张齐兵. 2001. 加拿大西海岸Pseudotsuga menziesii 树种的树木年轮学研究。 山西大学资源与环境学院,2001628日。

4.        张齐兵. 2000. 人工神经网络模型在树木年轮学中的应用。 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所2000115日。


1.        Alfaro, R., and Zhang, Q.-B. 1999. Dendro-ecological analysis of two-year cycle spruce budworm outbreaks. Final report to the Canadian Forest Products Ltd. and Finlay Forest Industries Inc. Pacific Forestry Centre, Canadian Forestry Service, Victoria, B.C., p. 76.

2.        Zhang, Q.-B. 1996. Tree ages and dendrology in coastal forest chronocequences. Final report to Dr. J.A. Trofymow, Pacific Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service. 38pp.


1.        Zhang, Q.-B. 2000. Modern and Late Holocene Climate-Tree-Ring Growth Relationships and Growth Patterns in Douglas-fir, Coastal British Columbia, Canada. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada. p. 196.

2.        Zhang, Q.-B. 1996. A 2122-year ring-width chronology of Douglas-fir and spring precipitation reconstruction at Heal Lake, southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. M.Sc thesis, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada. p. 88.
