West Elm店植物墙
来源:筑龙园林网  时间:2013-5-8

       所在地:阿拉伯联合酋长国 迪拜

       美国高端家居公司West Elm位于迪拜的分店最近刚刚开张营业,这座商店在体现了现代家居设计风格的同时,还能激发人们的想象力和创造力。GSky景观事务所(GSky Plant Systems, Inc.)在店面上加了两面“绿墙”,将自然的气息引入室内。这两面植物墙位于收银台后方,是该店的中心装饰品,顾客进入商店第一眼看到的就会是这绿意盎然的美景!

       West Elm home furnishing recently made its debut in the UAE by opening their first retail store in The Dubai Mall. The new store features a diverse mix of modern home designs and inspirational pieces. GSky Plant Systems, Inc. helped bring a touch of nature to the store by installing two large green walls. The beautiful living walls are situated behind the cash wrap, serving as the store’s centerpiece to greet customers as they enter the store.




