来源:筑龙网  时间:2014-3-21

       生命墙这一设计风格的景观建筑现在变得越来越流行,并且向着规模更大,高度更高的趋势发展。世界第二高的生命墙是由Groncol和Paisajismo Urbano共同设计的绿色麦德林墙。该生命墙紧贴在一栋住宅楼(el Poblado)的墙面上,高度足有300英尺(约92米),墙面中所种植的植被均来自当地,多达数百种。它们都是通过精挑细选后,才得以种植在生命墙上,目的是为了能够抵挡高处的恶劣天气。与此同时,生命墙也使el Poblado成为世界上独一无二的公寓大楼,住在这栋公寓楼里的住户可以透过阳台窗欣赏这一美景。
       此次设计,Groncol主要负责景观的设计和建造,Paisajismo Urbano则主要负责景观的技术层面(水培技术)。他们通过相互沟通和相互协调,选取了超过100种合适的植被种植在这堵生命墙上。

       Living walls have become so popular that now there is competition to build even larger and the taller vertical gardens. The second tallest living wall in the world is currently the Green Medellin wall by Groncol and Paisajismo Urbano. Located on the side of a residential building, the vertical garden is 300 feet tall (92 meters)! The impressive installation stretches up, up and up to the top of the building and features hundreds of native and adaptive plants that were specially selected to withstand the weather and strong winds found at that height.
       Groncol and Paisajismo Urbano have been working on a number of projects in Colombia recently, and they just completed the Green Medellin wall. Located on the side of a residential building in the “el Poblado” neighborhood, the green wall gives the apartment complex a unique characteristic. The wall is 300 feet (92 meters) tall, and residents will be able to view it from their balcony windows as they take in the surrounding view of the city.
       Groncol was responsible for the design and construction of the wall, while Paisajismo Urbano is in charge of the hydroponic technology behind the project. They coordinated to select the variety of plants, which includes native and adapted plants that can live in very tough conditions due to the wind. The installation’s 300-foot height means the plants will be buffeted quite a bit, so a carefully orchestrated plan will help them thrive in the wind while mitigating disease.
       Pablo Atuesta Pradilla, General Manager at Groncol, believes that the Green Medellin living wall is officially the 2nd tallest living wall currently completed. It comes in behind the vertical garden on theAntilia house in Mumbai, although Pradilla explains that it uses a different technology and technique than their hydroponic garden. A number of other super tall vertical gardens are in the works though, and this one in Colombia may soon be surpassed.



